Saturday, 10 December 2016

Stumbled over words that sound similar but mean completely different things?

But running an affiliate campaign requires different type of reports and performance metrics than other marketing endeavors. Tracking applications are made for performance marketers who have specific business requirements. Tracking applications let you go beyond gathering traffic information, such as keywords and referral IDs._ Loyce:I took care of her like she was my own and I’m [...]

Why do girls get called sluts but guys don't?
(10 December 2016)

I mean girls have needs too, so why the h e ll is it such a big deal who I sleep with and when?
(10 December 2016)

Apparently I have man boobs but I'm not fat!?
(10 December 2016)

Also i know this sounds rediculous but someone said that guys can get breast cancer and more often than women, obviously it's rubbish but is there any merit to their comment?
(10 December 2016)

I need relationship advice...please help me.?
(10 December 2016)

Will I have to break up with her and break my promise?
(10 December 2016)

I love her so very much and I don't wanna hurt her.
(10 December 2016)

Please help me figure out what I should do, I'm torn.
(10 December 2016)

We barely get to spend time together because of this too.
(10 December 2016)

I gave her a promise ring and I want to keep my promise to her but we can't keep our promise if we are hurting this much.
(10 December 2016)

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