Friday, 2 December 2016

Straight guy looking for a female to teach a thing or two and have some fun with.

Spanish Town, Jamaica // Nora:I am 34 weeks pregnant right now and will turn 35 Sunday , at my last doctors appointment they said my baby’s head is already positioned.(11 November 2016) Altagracia:She only seems to text me when she needs something.(11 November 2016) Altagracia:When we are hanging out with each other people she ditches [...]

Does it fix an alcoholic to cut them out of the family until they get help?
(1 December 2016)

So when a family member is an alcoholic do you fix it by cutting the person out of the family until they get help?
(1 December 2016)

I understand boundaries, but cutting someone out of the family struck me as cruel.
(1 December 2016)

My question is if this is the way to fix an alcoholic or is this cruel and unloyal to family.
(1 December 2016)

My brother did this to our Dad (he did not recover and has died since) and it struck me as cruel.
(1 December 2016)

Why does he always look at me first and last?
(1 December 2016)

Even if I m all the way on the other side of the room, this still happens.
(1 December 2016)

For a while now I've noticed that I m the first person my friend looks at when he enters a room and the last one he looks at when he s about to leave a room.
(1 December 2016)

Rate these girls names from best to worst?
(1 December 2016)

Why don't people get that the g-spot does not exist?
(1 December 2016)

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