Sunday 4 December 2016


I can’t believe I used to clean houses for a living. I am so sore from what I did today. I deep cleaned my living room, vacuumed under the couches and cushions, mopped the kitchen, and cleaned the // Shantel:Most days I sit on the couch and think about how miserable I am.(13 November 2016) Shantel:We are [...]

I guess this all started when he started hanging out with a certain group of friends and then my family picked up and moved so I figured it would end because he was given a fresh start, but it picked up as soon as he found the kids that smoke weed.
(3 December 2016)

He is the youngest of 3, I'm the middle and I have an older brother who is in the Air Force.
(3 December 2016)

My parents are frustrated with him and tried to offer him therapy but he refused.
(3 December 2016)

He is also obnoxiously selfish and only thinks about himself.
(3 December 2016)

He is the laziest person i've ever met and he shows no drive.
(3 December 2016)

He is barely finishing high school, and doesn't go often.
(3 December 2016)

This results in him sleeping as soon as he gets home from school and then going out late at night after all of us go to bed.
(3 December 2016)

My brother has been going out a lot lately and smokes weed quite often.
(3 December 2016)

He has never had a job in his life.
(3 December 2016)

My younger brother is now 18, in his last year of high school.
(3 December 2016)

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