Wednesday 7 December 2016

One in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will be affected by osteoporosis

You can take steps now to avoid being one of them. Who Is Most Affected By Osteoporosis? When bone demineralization occurs, bones become more fragile. Osteoporosis reduces mobility and increases the risk of life-shortening falls and fractures. Getting out in the sun increases your vitamin D levels, which helps protect you by helping your bones … Continue reading "One in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will be affected by osteoporosis"

Do men put women in their snapchat stories to make them feel important?
(6 December 2016)

Do you think being on someone's Snapchat is a sign of interest?
(6 December 2016)

I think it's a mind game, I've heard men say that post pictures of women on social media because they know it makes the woman feel important, makes him look disirable, and makes ex's jealous.
(6 December 2016)

She believes this is a sign that he really interested.
(6 December 2016)

He posted a picture of her on his snapchat.
(6 December 2016)

One of my friends believes that the guy she's dating really likes her.
(6 December 2016)

How do I approach a girl that I've liked for awhile online without coming off as a creep?
(6 December 2016)

I've talked to her before but it's been over a year since I've messaged her.
(6 December 2016)

Is it wrong to beat my wife everyday?
(6 December 2016)

Should I give her a break one day ?
(6 December 2016)

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