Thursday 8 December 2016

Need a roommate and more

I’m in a tight spot my gf just broke up with me and I’m already looking for another relationship and someone to move in with me and start a family if your interested you can kik me for details If your Willing to move fast josh.law29 // Minh:My grandpa tells my granny when [...]

When he got back, he was sweating like crazy and he kept coughing over and over and complaining that he felt like he was being stabbed in the lungs whenever he took a breath.
(7 December 2016)

Well my cousin Robbie is MLG and he weighs like 350 lbs, and today my grandma got really angry at him and unplugged all his consoles and made him run a mile around the block as punishment.
(7 December 2016)

41 yrs boyfriend left me through text?
(7 December 2016)

He says i have too many traits he doesnt like just like . He texted me hes done . Not in these words but yeah, i begged him to have the decency to tell me to the face or at least call me.
(7 December 2016)

I have been dating this guy for almost 3months . We were always together but hes super controlling but thats not the problem.
(7 December 2016)

Should you tell someone that you re done chasing them?
(7 December 2016)

Are these good kids names?
(7 December 2016)

If it's a girl we're naming her Hope Marie if it's a boy we're naming him Aden Charles.
(7 December 2016)

Me and my girlfriend are having a baby in June we're gonna find out the gender in a few weeks.
(7 December 2016)

Is it normal to have told a kid in my class the talk and told them if you have any questions about sex and all that ask me?
(7 December 2016)

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