Saturday, 31 December 2016

>>> Let me lick your ARMPITS

I know this sounds weird, but I am really attracted by women armpits. I’ve been wanted to try this for a while, but I’ve always been afraid that girls may find it weird. Honestly I prefer shaved ones…if you are willing to give this a try, I would love to lick your armpits. If we [...]

So a few months ago I met a group of 4 people online.
(30 December 2016)

Why do men consider fatherhood slavery but not motherhood?
(30 December 2016)

By the way, to all the men who cry about how their questions get moved because of censorship loving feminazis, this question has been moved 3 times now.
(30 December 2016)

Bad family situation?
(30 December 2016)

There's so much more than that, but basically ny question is, do you think the bed thing is weird or bad?
(30 December 2016)

But anyway, both of my parents complain about the other.
(30 December 2016)

There's another bed for me there but I don't wanna hurt his feeling idk anymore.
(30 December 2016)

I don't know how to bring it up.
(30 December 2016)

I know what you're thinking, but he's not a pervert at all.
(30 December 2016)

I go with my dad on some weekends and I still sleep in his bed.
(30 December 2016)

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