Saturday 3 December 2016

Ladies am free, single and disengaged. Feel free to contact me.

May Pen, Mandeville, Jamaica // Carylon:I want to ask her out but I think she may believe our relationship is purely academic.(12 November 2016) Carylon:I really miss her smile and her bangs falling over her nerdy glasses and the lovely way she smiles at me.(12 November 2016) Carylon:I was released from the hospital and she [...]

There was this guy in my class who I've had a pretty serious thing with, we've been talking for about 1 month.
(2 December 2016)

I am 19 and have never been on a date, never been asked out, never had a girl show any interest in me whatsoever... Is it seriously hopeless?
(2 December 2016)

Girls just... aren't attracted to me, for whatever reason.
(2 December 2016)

But it feels so impossible for me that I'm starting to believe it really is impossible.
(2 December 2016)

Not someone I'm with just because they love me and they're good enough.
(2 December 2016)

I want to be with someone I love with all my heart.
(2 December 2016)

And if I do finally meet someone, am I gonna have to settle?
(2 December 2016)

The thought of dying alone makes me want to throw up and I don't know what to do about this.
(2 December 2016)

I can't figure it out and it's scaring the crap out of me.
(2 December 2016)

I'm not mean, I like to believe I'm a somewhat funny guy.
(2 December 2016)

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