Saturday, 3 December 2016


A Chinese Doctor can’t find a job in a Hospital in the US, so he opens a clinic and puts a sign outside ‘GET TREATMENT FOR $20 - IF NOT CURED GET BACK $100.’ An American lawyer thinks this is a great // Carylon:Every time we see each other on campus she gives me the biggest [...]

So I stupidly sent her an email saying hey your very cute and I would like to grab some coffee with you.
(1 December 2016)

I tried to talk to her but got so nervous my heart started pounding.
(1 December 2016)

She came to my fraternities halloween party she looked at me and sat in the same areas as me, I could not speak because my ex was there and wanted to avoid problems I let it go for about three weeks until two classes before finals.
(1 December 2016)

She declined due to three essays she had.
(1 December 2016)

When I got the flu and missed for a week I emailed her to ask what we were doing and as I got better emailed her asking her to a tailgate event.
(1 December 2016)

I tried speaking to her once and ended up only asking a class related question because I was nervous.
(1 December 2016)

She even has looked at after opening the door and looking at me several times holding that gaze, but she never smiles.She lingered in the class room while I spoke to professor, or even in the hall once staring at me.
(1 December 2016)

Class: she looks at me every time I enter class.
(1 December 2016)

Fast forward an entire semester and now she has been making eye contact with me every time I see her, class or around town.
(1 December 2016)

Every seat was filled but three and so when this lady caught my eyes with hers, I decided to sit there.
(1 December 2016)

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