Saturday, 3 December 2016

I write about motivation but am often the least motivated person on the planet

But in my defense, eventually I get things done on deadline. Have you ever dropped a glass on a tile floor? It somehow creates a debris field five miles in diameter and takes four hours to clean up. Grab a pair of walking shoes and head out the door. But if you tried that and…

How do I get over the guilt and shame that comes with Christmas?
(2 December 2016)

How can I enjoy it even if they decline a visit?
(2 December 2016)

It is about 50-50. How can I get over this guilt and shame here at Christmas?
(2 December 2016)

I feel so much anticipatory shame thinking about how it will feel if they decline like last year.
(2 December 2016)

As an adult I reach out and some years people reciprocate and accept a visit, other years they decline.
(2 December 2016)

Growing up I was not allowed around extended family because my mother holds grudges.
(2 December 2016)

She could have gone to sleep but she usually tells me that and says goodnight to me.
(2 December 2016)

Then at like 11:15 she just doesn't respond.
(2 December 2016)

At like 10 I tried texting her again and then she responded quickly and was laughing at my texts and stuff like she usually does.
(2 December 2016)

Yesterday I texted her at like 4 and she responded once before leaving me on read.
(2 December 2016)

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