Wednesday, 14 December 2016

I saw the video that happened at Netroots just like everybody else

Nothing matters as much as life itself. So sitting down, talking, and having a nice meeting is definitely a part of it. In Seattle political context, I know that really well. We have hoards and hoards of white liberals and white progressives, and yet we still have all the same racial problems.

My online professor and I have gotten very close, we've face timed and she has helped me through many college courses and tests, we've never met in person.
(22 November 2016)

Needing advice? What's your thoughts?
(22 November 2016)

My girl has thrown up twice this month and cried out of no where but I know I didn't get her pregnant which I believe to be true becusee I didn't insert it inside her and all I did was finger her and nothing more is she pregnant?
(22 November 2016)

Guys: how would you feel if you found out your girlfriend was cheating on you?
(22 November 2016)

A lot of them might even be perfectly fine with it, since they're also probably cheating anyway.
(22 November 2016)

It seems like guys wouldn't mind as much though.
(22 November 2016)

I know most girls would probably be devastated if they found out their boyfriend was cheating on them, and it often leads to complications and even break ups.
(22 November 2016)

Crushing on a gorgeous 40 something married lady. I can't stop thinking about her. What should I do?
(22 November 2016)

I know where she lives and I workout when she is around.
(22 November 2016)

Anyways, I have insane thoughts about her and they're very perverted.
(22 November 2016)


This has been happening for like a month, he's always excited when he gets home and runs straight to his computer.
(13 December 2016)

It's just weird as hell and I know he will be devastated when he eventually finds out.
(13 December 2016)

I would say something, but I have never seen my brother so happy.
(13 December 2016)

Is it wrong for a 19 yr old boy to date a 16 year old girl?
(13 December 2016)

Like 3 years is nothing for adults.... Also is it normal that im more attracted to girls younger than me like 17 than i am 20 or 21 year olds.
(13 December 2016)

Im truly im love with her and im going to be 20 next year and i dont know if people will think im sick if i still like teenagers.
(13 December 2016)

I dont know if its true that girls mature faster than boys because we are on the same maturity level.
(13 December 2016)

But she is 16 and im 19 and she still goes to highschool.
(13 December 2016)

I truely like this girl and can relate to her in everyway.
(13 December 2016)

What would you do if some random guy came up to you and your girlfriend in public and started groping her?
(13 December 2016)

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