Friday 16 December 2016

I believe speech has a firm place in ELA classes

I definitely have encountered ELA teachers who believe otherwise. I teach public speaking with those experiences in mind; I know my students probably face the same obstacles. Hopefully, these ideas will benefit your students too. Students who fear their classmates will not want to speak and will not get valuable feedback._ Cassie:So my mom told … Continue reading I believe speech has a firm place in ELA classes

Now im taking her an her baby in for a couple days and i have a small house and a 2 month old.
(15 December 2016)

The baby looks just like him so he s being ridiculous.
(15 December 2016)

He s hit her, asked for a paternity test, and is now kicking her out.
(15 December 2016)

I have a friend who unfortunately got pregnant by a horrible guy.
(15 December 2016)

I have have not been feeling to good and I have not started my monthly?
(15 December 2016)

As a black male, this asian woman friend of mines made it clear that she really loves black men but not asian men, why?
(15 December 2016)

I am thinking of not perusing her for this stupidity.
(15 December 2016)

I followed her on Twitter and she is always retweeting photos of asian men.
(15 December 2016)

GIRLS; Can you help me determine if she's just shy?
(15 December 2016)

When I said hi to her today she turned around and looked at me then turned back around and looked at the ground then at the sky.
(15 December 2016)

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