Saturday 3 December 2016

Grand Hyatt Denver this week

I will be at the Grand Hyatt Denver this week from the 11th to the 14th. I would like to meet a woman at the bar, I will be there probably every night. If you interested please let me know and please send a pic. If you would like to have a little fun please [...]

I really want to believe him but I don't.
(3 December 2016)

But the thing is, every time I would catch him looking at me, he wouldn't look away, he would continue to interlock his eyes with mine which was weird and kind of awkward.
(3 December 2016)

Yesterday I was standing next to him on the bus and he was constantly staring at me and I could tell he was listening to what I was talking about.
(3 December 2016)

There's a guy I like who is in the year above me, we've never spoken, but I do catch him staring at me sometimes.
(3 December 2016)

I'm only 15 but I crave for a relationship?
(3 December 2016)

I know I'm only 15 and it's a very young age for relationships and all that but I can't help but crave for it.
(3 December 2016)

Military boot camp question?
(3 December 2016)

Scarlett or Violet for a blonde baby?
(3 December 2016)

Also: Ted or Sebastian for a curly blonde haired boy?
(3 December 2016)

Ask me question, I'll try to answer?
(3 December 2016)

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