Saturday 3 December 2016

Fit, mature white M 4 sexy, slender (with booty) chocolate W

I have a thing for very curvy black woman…slender with a full round booty that is…there is something about the way your body curves that gets me. I don’t JUST want curves, I like feminine, sexy and sweet too…is that too much to ask? I’m in shape, have body ink, am handsome, mature not a [...]

I don't really know why they did it, and it's kind of upsetting me but I'd feel awkward bringing it up.
(1 December 2016)

Should I feel bad about this or just let it go?
(1 December 2016)

I met a girl on hot or not?
(1 December 2016)

I thought maybe we could go on a date or something but not if she's already taken.
(1 December 2016)

Mostly just feeling embarrassed because I feel like I misread the situation or something.
(1 December 2016)

I don't even know what to think.
(1 December 2016)

I was so confused because she literally messaged me saying that I'm hot after we met.
(1 December 2016)

I looked her up on Facebook later and it says she's in a relationship.
(1 December 2016)

I talked to her and said it was nice to meet her.
(1 December 2016)

This was because we both go to the same college and I was fine with that.
(1 December 2016)

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