Thursday, 1 December 2016

Eating canned or processed food would kill me because of the excessive salt always found them

Posted on October 8, 2016 at 6:23 pm. Will a vegetarian diet improve your health? I am allergic to soy products, as are my daughters. I cannot tolerate spicy food because I would feel ill and soon puke them up. While I can tolerate dairy products to a degree, I cannot tolerate casein isolates with … Continue reading "Eating canned or processed food would kill me because of the excessive salt always found them"

I'm worried I may be taken offensive if I try to hit on any of them.
(30 November 2016)

I'm gay and many attractive guys come into my work that I want to ask out on a date, or start a conversation about their relationship status.
(30 November 2016)

How do you plan and make a funeral?
(30 November 2016)

I will seriously miss him, like we were friends since kindergarten.
(30 November 2016)

I want to make a funeral and honor him.
(30 November 2016)

My best friend from my childhood Derek past away today, he died from stomach cancer.
(30 November 2016)

Is it true that younger men are less likely to be rapists than older men?
(30 November 2016)

I also never see any creepy young guys but I see lots of creepy older men.
(30 November 2016)

Lots of guys in their 20s that you see in clubs just look normal and act cool around girls.
(30 November 2016)

I can't imagine a guy in his 20s raping compared to a a guy in his late 30s.
(30 November 2016)

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