Saturday 3 December 2016


So I’ve been trying to get out of my head the last few days, and no I don’t mean like on drugs, just relaxed and clear headed. My normal method is hours of well…head, but I’ve got a cold and sore th // Palmira:Her friend said she cries in her sleep almost every night.(12 November 2016) Palmira:I [...]

Problem with BFF?
(2 December 2016)

My family thinks that I should stop trying to repair our friendship, but I don't know if I want to give up, because we were friends since childhood.
(2 December 2016)

I thought that I knew him very good, but I was wrong.
(2 December 2016)

I'm really good with people, it's totally confusing.
(2 December 2016)

Then recently, I heard from another source that he said that I am not his best friend or any kind of friend because I'm educated (I went to college, and he went only to high school). When we talked last time, everything was ok.
(2 December 2016)

Later he started avoiding me completely.
(2 December 2016)

He teased me sometimes, but I thought that that was friendly teasing.
(2 December 2016)

That was not a problem for me, because it's normal for people in relationship to be together all the time, that's the point of being in relationship in the first place.
(2 December 2016)

He started acting strange around me, since he got his gf.
(2 December 2016)

But with time, things started to change and I don't know why.
(2 December 2016)

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