Saturday, 10 December 2016

blog test

checking to see if this blog works // Lia:Okay so there was a boy in my class last year who I was familiars with.(18 November 2016) Portia:What do you do when your boyfriend goes to college… and your a freshman?(18 November 2016) Portia:People already give me grieve about dating him, what are we supposed to do when he [...]

How can I either get over her or get her back?
(10 December 2016)

Also, I've caught her looking at me a couple of times.
(10 December 2016)

I think she knows now that I didn't do it (one of her friends, who believed me, told her) but she still doesn't talk to me.
(10 December 2016)

I've tried other girls, but haven't been able to develop feelings for any of them.
(10 December 2016)

Since then, I can't stop thinking about her.
(10 December 2016)

She didn't believe me when I said I was hacked and then blocked me on all social media.
(10 December 2016)

Six months ago, I was about to ask her out, but then this thing came up where I got hacked on instagram and the hacker used my account to post something ugly about her friends.
(10 December 2016)

I'm a sophomore in high school and I have this girl who I've been deeply in love with for almost a year now.
(10 December 2016)

Christmas confusion?
(10 December 2016)

I bought my oldest a kids smart watch at a consignment never opened for 15$. In the store the cheapest i fount was 45. My youngest has a gift i found for 43 should i count those the same price and continue from there or just get them so many a piece?
(10 December 2016)

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