Sunday 18 December 2016

And yet how quaintly outmoded and almost irrelevant to current taste

Robert Woolley would have been appalled. For Woolley, furniture would reign supreme forever. Furniture, on the other hand, is a thing of the past. Imagine formica-topped kitchen tables from the 1950s of the sort once found everywhere in middle class America.

I'm sort of embarrassed about this.
(26 November 2016)

I have a long labia is that ok I'm still a virgin I'm worried that it might turn a guy off when I decide to have sex.
(26 November 2016)

Why do some guys try to make girls jealous?
(25 November 2016)

What's the point is it a power thing?
(25 November 2016)

Brain zaps while pregnant?
(25 November 2016)

I am not talking any antidepressants, i am 29 weeks pregnant and i have about 4 weeks felling micro brain zaps.
(25 November 2016)

What can cause brain zaps other that antidepressants?
(25 November 2016)

Is this a good idea to name a boy Schaeffer?
(25 November 2016)

This is my fiance's surname and we think it has a nice ring to it.
(25 November 2016)

I thought about giving it an alternative spelling too, like Sheighfer or Sheighphaer.
(25 November 2016)


The only answer I did get was a load of shouting.
(18 December 2016)

I experienced that around 3rd and 4th grade, many many moons ago, in my 20s now I wanted help, the answer was no.
(18 December 2016)

I think Im pregnant!!!!!PLEASE HELP?
(18 December 2016)

I need some help because many sites are telling me im pregnant and im trying not to stress making my period more late than it already is.
(18 December 2016)

I'm still worried because i took water (half of the water bottle) and im scared that might have made it come back negative.
(18 December 2016)

I am a month late on my period and took a pregnancy test and it came back NEGATIVE.
(18 December 2016)

Sometimes we get a little a head of ourselves and sometimes he rubs himseld around me down there and once he went inside me but not fully in.
(18 December 2016)

But when we are getting ready to have sex we do foreplay in order to get me more aroused, and better when we have sex.
(18 December 2016)

How come women don't seem to grasp things on the broad level and with the degree of depth that men do?
(18 December 2016)

Do you think most women tend to be this way or may it relate just to the women I happen to be around and talk to.
(18 December 2016)

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