Wednesday, 14 December 2016

After Midnight (3)

A little wild fun for the nightbirds that are still up and awake. Thank you for being here. Love,Sue *Y*\8bp.s… good night. sweet dream…./8_ Laurette:Before we hung out, we would text all day but after we hung out, he hasn’t texted me at all… it’s been 3 days now.(22 November 2016) Laurette:So Saturday, me and this guy [...]

I like him and I think he still likes me?
(13 December 2016)

Why doesn't my husband get it's annoying for him to tell me to exercise?
(13 December 2016)

I barely have time to shower with a new baby.
(13 December 2016)

I'm busy with a 3 month old and he barely helps with her or household stuff.
(13 December 2016)

My girlfriend has an overly obedient pushover personality, how can it be fixed? Please help?
(13 December 2016)

I dont want that, i want her to be a better person, one with a fire in her heart.
(13 December 2016)

Shes loyal and faithful like no other woman i have ever met in my life, but if i cheated on her, abused her and hurt her she'd stay with me.
(13 December 2016)

Listens to well, she can easily be peer pressured and used over time.
(13 December 2016)

Whether its me, family, maybe one day her coworkers or friends she listens.
(13 December 2016)

I love her but if you ask her to do almost anything she does it.
(13 December 2016)

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