Wednesday, 14 December 2016

A bite, a drink and conversation tonight…

We can meet for a drink. We can meet for a bite. And we will talk about all the things we enjoy talking about like two, well-spoken, intelligent, learned individuals. That may sound stuffy but it’s just that I prefer a woman who knows what she’s talking about and why she’s talking about it. I’m [...]

I'm not a person who's used to having many friends, so I ask: Will it work to be about 14 people in a friend group?
(13 December 2016)

I am kind of close to three of them, but I feel a bit like an outcast in my class and would like to join the other girls, but at the same time I do not want to leave these two closer friends because I like them.
(13 December 2016)

In my class, there are about 12 other girls.
(13 December 2016)

Is he emotionally detached or is he in fear of rejection?
(13 December 2016)

I mean hell we even slept together so why does it seem like the deeper this friendship gets the more it seems like he's closing off or shying away because his personality is very outgoing like wth it doesn't make sense.
(13 December 2016)

He used to not do that but now he does and when we are alone, sometimes he will randomly stand in front of me while fiddling with his phone or something in his hand and then he will walk away while touching his hair.
(13 December 2016)

I notice him standing near me or somewhat closer to me when he invites his guys over.
(13 December 2016)

He wants me to enjoy it with him but sometimes he takes the jokes too far.
(13 December 2016)

He is very social and loves being around friends and when he invites them over with us we all chill and then he starts cracking rude jokes and being mean to me but he always says he's just playing around with me.
(13 December 2016)

He texts me a lot when im not around and always asking what im doing or asks me if I wanna come over.
(13 December 2016)

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