Monday 7 November 2016

You are out there-love home

It’s not about zip codes, not about , or … Silly me, I’m all about having fun, loving life, enjoying this great N. Cal. place we call home. Not a fan of travel because love home. We have the best museums, restaurants, beaches, places to play. Have been to Europe. Yes, great experience. But at [...]

And I feel like I'm still this dumbass who's infatuated with her and I feel like an immature coward who can never ask her out.
(7 November 2016)

I have seen her blossom into this classy beautiful woman from the immature chick she used to be.
(7 November 2016)

I'm really introverted. Is that bad?
(7 November 2016)

I really do hate going to the mall.
(7 November 2016)

The only way i make friends is if they come up to me first, i don't start conversation on my own.
(7 November 2016)

I know there are people out there who loves to talk but i don't unless i know them personally.
(7 November 2016)

Don't get me wrong, i like talking to my friends and hanging out with them but most of the time i would prefer to be at home. i'll try to talk more but it just feels really stressful.
(7 November 2016)

I don't talk to people in my classes, but i do have friends that i hang out after school but most of the time i feel more better when im alone.
(7 November 2016)

Should I text her first or let that do it?
(7 November 2016)

Assuming I'm the one texting first how long should I wait before texting her not to sound clingy?
(7 November 2016)

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