Friday 25 November 2016

Who out there is real?

Conway, Arkansas // Kyla:Should I just straight up ask him over text or ask if we can hang out then ask?(5 November 2016) Louella:When did you realize that life moves on?(5 November 2016) Louella:Its long teeth, much bigger frame, I felt primal fear and realized that I was an idiot, that I should have listened [...]

So my girlfriend started taking night classes and this one guy drove her home one time the second week of class and gave her his number?
(25 November 2016)

Is it wrong that i don't want this kid driving her home after class or for her to be texting him if the guy can't take the hint when she says she has a boyfriend.
(25 November 2016)

She also told him she has a boyfriend and still kept saying beautiful and sending faces.
(25 November 2016)

She also lied to me saying she wasn't talking to this kid because she said she knew i would overreact but i found out cause she said here check my phone and i didn't want to but i knew she wasnt being honest.
(25 November 2016)

But he started texting her and asking to pick her up from work or to go out sometime and is calling her beautiful and sent a kissy face saying happy thanksgiving.
(25 November 2016)

And just said if she needs a ride to class he can drive her.
(25 November 2016)

Hi I m 14 years old I have a girlfriend I know her about 1 year she was my neighbour then she went to another house. now we go to the same school.
(25 November 2016)

I still want to be with him but because he has a gf (he might not one 1 anymore but Idk ) I'd have to fake my feelings and it's really hard for me to do that.
(25 November 2016)

Last time we talked he told me that he has a gf and it broke my heart cause I was telling him how much I loved him even if he was my first bf.
(25 November 2016)

I'm really nervous about what he about to tell me cause I know for a fact that my heart is gonna beat outta my chest.
(25 November 2016)

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