Thursday 3 November 2016

When I moved into my new house I basically had a clean slate to start with

Typically I get either canvas prints, metal prints or prints that I frame. I started mounting pics where I wanted them, but after hanging the first couple I started to question the height. Honestly I was just eyeballing it. I had always heard that pictures should be mounted at eye level, but what does that … Continue reading "When I moved into my new house I basically had a clean slate to start with"

How was your first sex and age of you when you did it?
(2 November 2016)

What's it like being a firefighter?
(2 November 2016)

What can I do to casually flirt with him?
(2 November 2016)

But, he doesnt linger at the counter like when his coworker was here with him.
(2 November 2016)

He always ask how I am and chats about something small.
(2 November 2016)

He stops every night after work and will get a room key, saying he forgot his, which may or may not be true idk.
(2 November 2016)

So now the guy I like is staying here alone.
(2 November 2016)

I played it off like it was a joke because his coworker overheard it.
(2 November 2016)

They would always joke around and once the one I like had been drinking a little and wrote his number down and said call me, he even asked if I wanted to go out when I got off work.
(2 November 2016)

At first it was him and his coworker, both were freindly but the one I have a crush on was always the more chatty one.
(2 November 2016)

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