Thursday 24 November 2016

We would love to help you learn more about the amazing community at Sugar Hill

Below are listed some of the types and qualities of people who like the following colors, as determined by consensus. For example, only one wall may be painted red in a dining room. Black furniture may highlight a living room. Please fill out the form to the left or pick up the phone and call … Continue reading We would love to help you learn more about the amazing community at Sugar Hill

This makes no sense ..?
(24 November 2016)

Is it ok to kiss a guy after a month of knowing him?
(24 November 2016)

Is my guy friend just being jealous?
(24 November 2016)

What do you think he's trying to do by all this?
(24 November 2016)

But then when I mention this new hot guy that I met and have a crush on to my girl friends, he starts downplaying my crush like he's not that great and he wanted to see pics of him and stuff.
(24 November 2016)

I think he's kind of had a thing for me in the past and I think he still kind of does, but he has a girlfriend at college.
(24 November 2016)

My guy friend and I have known each other since 8th grade, but we r both in college now.
(24 November 2016)

I am super attached to my girlfriend, is this a bad thing?
(24 November 2016)

Should I be concerned or is everything fine?
(24 November 2016)

I just heard a few to many horror stories of relationships going down because one person didn't give the other enough space.
(24 November 2016)

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