Tuesday, 22 November 2016

This is part of the free online training that is available to qualifying people

And for another, I now have access to free online education. It is a program that is all online, can be done from a smartphone, and is at your own pace. Due to FDA constraints, this program is not able to cover many medical-type health things. The majority of it focuses on business training, personal…

Sorry-- awkward question. Can you get pregnant by getting fingered?
(21 November 2016)

I am truly, genuinely worried.. So please do not comment something nonsensical, I do not need that rn. thank you, I need anything to calm my nerves.
(21 November 2016)

I'm due for my period in 2 days. cramps started on friday.
(21 November 2016)

My boyfriend fingered me, and I didn't really enjoy it bc i was stressed, so it hurt a little bit.
(21 November 2016)

I was relived, but I still was feeling bloated and my stomach was upset just like it had been for awhile.
(21 November 2016)

So i had multiple pregnancy tests and even a blood test and they were all negative.
(21 November 2016)

I had my period on oct 24th, which I thought was good, but I was still worried.
(21 November 2016)

I had lost my virginity to my boyfriend on oct. 19th. (he didn't use a condom, I'm so naive and dumb now that I think back) so I was freaking out non-stop.
(21 November 2016)

Okay, I'll start from the beginning.
(21 November 2016)

Alright.... I don't know what else to do, i've been stressed out for over a MONTH.
(21 November 2016)

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