Sunday 20 November 2016

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only

According to the poll, Clinton is ahead of Trump 48% to 39% in a four-way race in the Keystone State. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 points for the state, and plus or minus 5.1 points for the suburban counties. As was the case in Pennsylvania, the Michigan poll found that likely … Continue reading "The information presented here is for general educational purposes only"

He is really great but has anger problems and doesn't understand how badly its made things with my best friend.
(19 November 2016)

I told them both nothing was going to happen, but me and her brother continued to talk.
(19 November 2016)

I thought it would be just a one night thing but he text me in the morning basically declaring his undying love for me.
(19 November 2016)

At a party at my best friends the other week, I got a little too drunk and ended up in bed with her brother.
(19 November 2016)

Should I tell my brother I poked holes in his condoms?
(19 November 2016)

They're keeping the baby, and they're happy but I can't push it out of my head.
(19 November 2016)

I feel bad my niece and nephew are here because of a shitty thing I did.
(19 November 2016)

He destroyed my iPad and I wanted to get back at him.
(19 November 2016)

My brother told me that he and his girlfriend are expecting a baby next May, I'm upset because she's only pregnant because I sabotaged his condoms in July.
(19 November 2016)

Am i a pervert if i like to stare at my crushe's butt a lot?
(19 November 2016)

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