Thursday 3 November 2016

smooth asb= honey,hot as scotch

Maseru, Lesotho // Willene:He insisted on walking me home so he did, I said I was cold and he took off his sweater and let me wear it.(21 October 2016) Willene:I visited him at his work because he asked me to come say hi, and then after that we went to the book store [...]

Does he like me, please help :)?
(2 November 2016)

Can someone please tell me what that means?
(2 November 2016)

He's just drunk and does things he sometimes doesn't want to do, he told me.
(2 November 2016)

He's actually really caring and lovely and he told me that he knows that he sometimes does hurt some people's feelings when he's drunk but he never really wants to.
(2 November 2016)

He only does such things like that to me.
(2 November 2016)

He held my waist the whole time tho (about 15 minutes) And btw, he's a bit of a player and maannyy girls like him and he isn't like that around other girls.
(2 November 2016)

Where should my child live?
(2 November 2016)

If we move back we will only get to see our daughter every other weekend ans every other holiday.
(2 November 2016)

I love my daughter and would do anything for her and i also want whats best for son.
(2 November 2016)

Im torn between moving back to our previous town because they now have new opportunities for my son that he is missing out on and staying.
(2 November 2016)

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