Wednesday 16 November 2016

Regular Dick As Regular Does

I’ve found my new steady play thing and I’m quite pleased. He and I went on a couple of casual dates a while back before Thanksgiving and he buggered off. Then I got a text from him about two months a // Delmy:All the apartments in my area charge for everything including water and heat.(29 October [...]

They just expect a man to knock on their door one day and ask them out.
(15 November 2016)

I know a lot of women who put 0 effort into meeting men to date, and complain they are single constantly.
(15 November 2016)

What's more important?
(15 November 2016)

She is pretty upset right now but I don't know how to comfort her.
(15 November 2016)

He decided to go to the funeral instead of being with his family and celebrating with his sister.
(15 November 2016)

It was also the day of the funeral.
(15 November 2016)

My friend's brother's friend, not super close, passed away the other day and yesterday was her birthday.
(15 November 2016)

What's Sexier for a guy to comb his hair to the left or right?
(15 November 2016)

What should I text to this guy?
(15 November 2016)

My therapist has suggested I sent him a last text, just to see if I can get things back on track as it's possible this guy has misunderstood something I said, so to text to say I'm still interested.
(15 November 2016)

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