Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Outsiders in a system they could not or would not fit into or accept

Characters who were disillusioned with life. Protagonist Dix Steele fits the mole perfectly. For Humphrey Bogart, playing Dix, was a stretch. This was not the typical Bogart character we were used to seeing. A man who is always on edge: cynical, moody and ready to explode at the slightest moment._ Tanika:I found out about the birth [...]

She can t accept the fact I don t believe in god.
(29 November 2016)

However, things have gotten bad with my mom.
(29 November 2016)

I m supposed to have visitations with my dad every other weekend, but his wife doesn t want me there so I choose not to go.
(29 November 2016)

I m 17 years old and I m currently living with my mom.
(29 November 2016)

Unsure if just left over vaginal lubricants, accidental semen, or?
(29 November 2016)

Sex twice, once two days and once two weeks ago.
(29 November 2016)

No birth control or morning after pills used.
(29 November 2016)

Worried about chances of pregnancy.
(29 November 2016)

Do you think Adelaide Clemens pretty?
(29 November 2016)

Why does my boyfriend sweat so much during sex?
(29 November 2016)

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