Wednesday, 23 November 2016

One way to avoid it is knowing your own personal trigger foods that usually result in bloating

This does not always occur; it largely depends on how much we eat and what we eat. When it does occur, the only ways to get rid of it is by releasing these digestive gasses via burping or farting. But that is not the only precautionary measure to take. First, eat everything in moderation._ Keesha:Nah…

My estranged husband never did any of those things, because I was a homemaker.
(23 November 2016)

I'm the one who did all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, childcare etc.
(23 November 2016)

About 3 months after I quit my job, I opened a full-time daycare in our home.
(23 November 2016)

Just before I gave birth to our eldest son, I quit my job as a Registered Dietitian to be a SAHM.
(23 November 2016)

He also gave me HPV-16 (cancer causing strain), and an STD.
(23 November 2016)

I filed for a divorce earlier this year, because my estranged husband has been having an affair.
(23 November 2016)

I've been legally married to my estranged husband for 15 years, and we have 5 children together.
(23 November 2016)

How should I send my boyfriend a booty pic?
(23 November 2016)

I trust him not to go around and share any provocative pictures of me... I'm just wondering how I should go about sending it..
(23 November 2016)

Should I ask if he wants one or just send it... and will he like it?
(23 November 2016)

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