Saturday 19 November 2016

On not being what you want

Greetings to all the embers of the Perv Nation out here in the bloglands. Happy Friday!On the topic of this post, I was pondering the cold hard facts of being a resident of flyover country. There are // Mittie:He has given me some good advice and I want to keep talking to him.(1 November 2016) Mittie:I have [...]

Was a quick rub over my little sisters diaper abuse?
(19 November 2016)

Should I continue to let my daughter hang out with her friends?
(19 November 2016)

Should I be concerned because since they never joined anything together and they didn't meet through family we don't know what these girls are into and what they like to do?
(19 November 2016)

Most of them are the same age as her and they were never in any groups together like sports or school.
(19 November 2016)

She was diagnosed with Asperger's when she was 4 and recently started hanging out with kids from OTHER high schools who don't go to the same extracurricular activities as her either.
(19 November 2016)

My daughter has trouble making friends at school and she gets along great with younger and older kids instead.
(19 November 2016)

So, I was just wondering what other people thought.
(19 November 2016)

What's a better way to say someone's fate is decided on by someone else?
(19 November 2016)

Looking for someone to talk to on Kik to pass the time?
(19 November 2016)

Oh, also a pervert but, I hide it most of the times.
(19 November 2016)

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