Sunday, 13 November 2016

NY in NOV 13th14th

Couples or singles welcome to meet us in NY city. Please contact us ! // Assunta:Oh well atleast life isnt forever and we eventually get old and die.(27 October 2016) Assunta:Most men seem to be with other races now.(27 October 2016) Florentina:Was your husband or boyfriend more attracted to you when were pregnant?(27 October 2016) Florentina:I’ve been told by [...]

I stayed in bed for months and didn't brush my hair so I had to cut all of it off.
(13 November 2016)

I had a bad childhood I was very depressed when I was in 4th grade.
(13 November 2016)

He would take away my moms keys.
(13 November 2016)

He even quit his job when they where separated to make sure she didn't get anything. he more than three hundred thousand dollars.
(13 November 2016)

He once said that if she leaves he want give her a dime.
(13 November 2016)

I found someones pair of underwear In his car once.
(13 November 2016)

My dad goes on craigslist to look for used pantyhose or underwear.
(13 November 2016)

Baby girl names like these?
(13 November 2016)

Helpp I'm scared?
(13 November 2016)

What do I say to a girl after the conversation starts to become an awkward silence?
(13 November 2016)

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