Tuesday 8 November 2016

Notice the colour difference where people have sat on his lap and posed for photographs

If you notice souvenirs sporting a guy wearing a trilby hat and round glasses, that will be him. The beauty of this lies in the flexibility it gives you. Presumably you get to keep a share of the app price? Yes, I split the price with VoiceMap. We both put a lot of work into [...]

Sad crush songs?
(6 November 2016)

I don't want to date him, but I get sad whenever he likes or dates someone else.
(6 November 2016)

I have had a crush on this guy for almost two years.
(6 November 2016)

How do I pick up women?
(6 November 2016)

I've tried everything, even a forklift.
(6 November 2016)

Is it true that women will leave her man if he doesn't satisfy her in bed?
(6 November 2016)

My biggest fear however is that I'll never satisfy my women and then they might leave me or cheat on me.
(6 November 2016)

I may look masculine to them but I'm worried I'll disappoint them and then they'll talk about me to other girls.
(6 November 2016)

Girls wonder why I don't sleep with them but I never tell them why.
(6 November 2016)

It's a problem for me because it's giving me performance anxiety.
(6 November 2016)

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