Tuesday 1 November 2016

Married but Looking

Professional male, 5′10, 180, slim/athletic. Married but looking. Not looking to change current situation but in a relationship without intimacy and romance. Looking for a discreet encounter where we can both enjoy some uninhibited fun. Open, considerate and enjoy going out of my way to please. Will provide a photo on request, no strings attached. [...]

We still kept talking afterwards.
(1 November 2016)

I reassured him i wasnt doing it out of ill intention but still refuses to dance.
(1 November 2016)

His response was that I didnt have to out of pity.
(1 November 2016)

At the party, i had asked one of the guys to accompany my friend and i to dance.
(1 November 2016)

I met a few people at Halloween party that happened to be in one of my classes.
(1 November 2016)

Never had a best friend outside of family?
(1 November 2016)

Im uncomfortable around anyone, even my friends, not best friend.
(1 November 2016)

If you get divorce from your spouse and its a mutual agreement can your spouse take money from your savings acct that is under only my name?
(1 November 2016)

Is it okay for me to say she has a pretty smile?
(1 November 2016)

She smiles a lot when people point out to her that I'm blushing.
(1 November 2016)

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