Monday 14 November 2016

Lookin for love in all the wrong places…

I currently have a shitty minimum wage job…not where I saw myself at damn near 33… I get hit on at work, rarely by guys my age…I wish more would.I normally do not like to be hit on at work, but // Rutha:He’s invited me over before, but parents have always said no.(28 October 2016) Rutha:We’re both [...]

She then comes back to me 5 to 6 hours later saying sorry I was asleep.
(13 November 2016)

I then suggest she comes over mine to sleep as I live in a way more quite place and it is only a 5 minute walk away and then she can deal with the stuff when she is rested etc.
(13 November 2016)

She even goes as far as saying she wanted to cry.
(13 November 2016)

She then messages me at 6am saying that she can't sleep and that her radiators are not working, her housemates are really disruptive and that there is building work going on outside.
(13 November 2016)

Like there is a lot of flirting and a lot of joking going on.I then bump into her in a nightclub last night and she isn't very talkative.
(13 November 2016)

We have been texting for well over a week and the texting game has been good.
(13 November 2016)

Any chance that I am pregnant? I'm on Birth control but...?
(13 November 2016)

Should i keep telling my son not to do it?
(13 November 2016)

What else should i tell her just so she wont go?
(13 November 2016)

The other girl is really disappointed that she wont be able to go to sixflags and my other son doesnt want to be wasting money in the line for those expensive tickets.
(13 November 2016)

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