Wednesday 16 November 2016

je suis sinc�re

Abidjan, Dominica // Suzi:Idk wat to do.. if I text him he doesn t reply but he claims we re cool and that he wants to be friends.(30 October 2016) Suzi:I asked him if I was annoying or if he wanted to stop talking to me and he said I m a cool person [...]

I have had some weird smelling pee, I clean myself well-imma germaphobe.
(16 November 2016)

What is the best choice: the ex or the current boyfriend?
(16 November 2016)

I am not in love with him, but I don't want him to suffer either.
(16 November 2016)

My current boyfriend treats me very nicely.
(16 November 2016)

I feel very confused... He had his chance to come back to me, yet I still believe he changed.
(16 November 2016)

Hearing him say this felt unreal. 3 months after we broke up, I tried to be back with him, but he laughed at me, full of pride.
(16 November 2016)

A few days ago, I met my ex and he told me he regrets dumping me, that all the months we've been apart really made him appreciate me.
(16 November 2016)

I already feel a bit bored in this relationship.
(16 November 2016)

The problem is, he lives in a different city and visits me once a month.
(16 November 2016)

The problem is, I don't have intense feelings like in the former relationship, and sometimes this bothers me.
(16 November 2016)

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