Saturday 26 November 2016

In my free time I like to sleep the sleep of ages.

San Jose, Desamparados, Costa Rica // Carmelia:Small penis so I avoid sleeping with this girl?(6 November 2016) Carmelia:So now she’s acting like I’m the avoidant type and a pussy and whatnot and all this stuff, what should I do?(6 November 2016) Lory:People say I give off a mom vibe?(6 November 2016) Lory:Does it mean I’m approachable [...]

I keep telling her I won't but she doesn't listen.
(24 November 2016)

She says she is scared that I'll be mean to her like all of the others are.
(24 November 2016)

My mom has had a really hard life and has been a mother since she was 19. Most of her kids turned out to be horrible to her and I'm her last one.
(24 November 2016)

How do you get over someone that you like but doesn't like you back?
(24 November 2016)

I no his mom and and our neighborhood is very close so I don't want to make it a huge deal.
(24 November 2016)

Should i ignore him and not talk to him anymore for or tell him how I feel and than not talk to him?
(24 November 2016)

I feel like I love him but I want to not care because I deserve better.
(24 November 2016)

Well he came back and started talking again and he doesn't pay attention to me and when I ignore him than he pays attention.
(24 November 2016)

Its been 3 hears now and the first time he moved away he told me its because he didn't want to put me or my daughter in danger because he was doing bad things.
(24 November 2016)

Is it ok to date my Step uncles brother?
(24 November 2016)

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