Thursday 17 November 2016

I understand you are not running for the office of Pope

People should wrap their fat heads about it and stop feigning politically correct indignation and rage. You are a regular guy with massive financial know how and ability to build. Just to let you know, this whole video incident was a setup from the get-go._ Librada:How to deal with an ex alcoholic boyfriend?(31 October 2016) … Continue reading I understand you are not running for the office of Pope

I once texted her if she's okay and she replied yes, but she's just busy with schoolwork.
(16 November 2016)

This is a long story: there's a girl in my residence hall that I like who won't answer any of my text messages most of the time.
(16 November 2016)

Every time Mom and I are together we bad mouth my Dad. What else can we do as it is like this is all she wants to do with me?
(16 November 2016)

So how can I find what else we might enjoy other then sharing the dirt about my father and this uncle?
(16 November 2016)

My parents are divorced so I give my Mom any dirt I know about my Dad that she might not though I only see him twice a year since he doesn't love me.
(16 November 2016)

She also gives me gossip on her brother who I met a few times but we don't speak to anymore and never will because he is an alcoholic.
(16 November 2016)

I don't mind learning the gossip on my Dad but it seems like this is the only way we can get close is gossiping together.
(16 November 2016)

Since my sister was abused as a kid she has now had three kids with 3 different guys. Is this common for sex abuse victims?
(16 November 2016)

My sister also refuses help to figure out why she is attracted to these types of people.
(16 November 2016)

She is now 22 and has three kids in 4 years from 3 different guys.
(16 November 2016)

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