Sunday 6 November 2016

does anybody read on this site

people i am a standard user and cant read your emails,but if you would look at my status,it tells you that and to message me here on my blog where i can respond!!! // Amanda:I have a few nice cars, a nice house, go on nice vacations,etc.(23 October 2016) Amanda:People are always throwing themselves at me.(23 October [...]

He wouldn't get put of her face or allow her to walk away he blocked her only exist to th the room which lead to the front room of her apartment and got in her face calling her names.
(5 November 2016)

My friend and her husband got in to a heatedargument.
(5 November 2016)

How to get rid of my trust issues?
(5 November 2016)

Sometimes i start fights because of my own issues and my main problem is i can't truly love my boyfriend because of it.
(5 November 2016)

I'm convinced that my partner is lying to me or doesn't love me.
(5 November 2016)

Due to something that happened when i was a kid i have trust issues and i really want to get over it because it's effecting my relationship.
(5 November 2016)

Dealing with boyfriend female friends?
(5 November 2016)

Am I wrong to be annoyed because of this?
(5 November 2016)

He has never hung out with her since me & him started dating.
(5 November 2016)

Like go to a party, or come out to a school event etc.
(5 November 2016)

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