Monday 7 November 2016

Do u want a better life i need a sugar baby

Very fun successful male looking to support young sexy girl send pic with reply tell me why i should chose you your pic gets mine spam will get no where // Emerald:It might just be anxiety making me think they are staring or maybe I missed a button on my shirt.(23 October [...]

Do you think my girlfriend will really break up with me over this?
(7 November 2016)

I am voting for either Rand Paul or Gary Johnson.
(7 November 2016)

Should my sister be mad at me?
(7 November 2016)

I didn't think she was included in the don't tell anybody.
(7 November 2016)

I talk to my mom every day and tell her everything that does on in my life.
(7 November 2016)

She has barely spoken to our mom since she was a teenager and always fights with her when she does.
(7 November 2016)

She always gets mad for every stupid little thing.
(7 November 2016)

My sister texted me and is mad for me telling her news.
(7 November 2016)

Last night, a couple weeks after the announcement my mom sent a text to my sister (on one of her unblocked numbers) saying congratulations.
(7 November 2016)

She asked if my sister announced she was pregnant and I said yes.
(7 November 2016)

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