Thursday 17 November 2016

Careful Ladies!

A guy here has Herpes 2 doesn’t tell you and he does oral likes to finish doggie. He’s married 2 boys brown hair brown eyes no tats Irish Italian not bad looking scar on eyebrow and lip . About 5′10 not thin not fat. Nasally voice. Would post his name but he will prob lie [...]

My boyfriend and I are 21-22 almost 22-23, we've been together for over 4 years and like all couples, we've had our arguments but we still love each other nonetheless.
(17 November 2016)

Any one know what to do? I just broke up with my boyfriend and he went to another girl right away and they are dating now. Idk what to do?
(17 November 2016)

Does it give a bad reputation for a freshman to hook up with a senior (or upperclassmen)?
(17 November 2016)

I might hook up with a senior but people say I shouldn't because its a bad reputation.
(17 November 2016)

Stereotypes of every race?
(17 November 2016)

Does my crush like me? I think I'm in love with him!?
(17 November 2016)

I know he will probably sit with me again on the bus, so what should I say to him?
(17 November 2016)

I've already tried to talk to him, but I chicken out the second I'm gonna.
(17 November 2016)

I can barely talk to someone I DONT like.
(17 November 2016)

I don't know how to talk to him because I'm so shy.
(17 November 2016)

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