Sunday, 13 November 2016

Can you think of anything during that season that would fit those criteria?

We'd love a suggestion for a moderate to difficult 2-3 day hike in Japan. We did the Tour de Mount Blanc last year, and have some experience in the Smokies. We aren't expert mountaineers by any means, but we are comfortable with anything that doesn't require crampons or ropes.

And we'll he doesn't want me to get a job, I just got a job from my mom's supervisor about one.
(27 October 2016)

So I'm in a hotel right now because my bf wanted to attend semi finals against a school from my County and a school from his County at a local university.
(27 October 2016)

Can someone answer this please?
(27 October 2016)

She seems very friendly to everyone else, so I'm not sure if she's interested in me or just being friendly.
(27 October 2016)

We have talked a couple of times and she came over to me first.
(27 October 2016)

What do you think of the name Elaina for my daughter?
(27 October 2016)

I am naming her after my mother who s name is Elaine, I like the name Elena but I like the spelling that is similar to my mothers name.
(27 October 2016)

Is my coworker jealous of me?
(27 October 2016)

How can i create some distance from him?
(27 October 2016)

I give people chances hoping they would change.
(27 October 2016)


I have a couple questions like: Are there still treausre that will me on incredible journeys across the Earth that I'll never forget and Will I be shot at?
(13 November 2016)

I am 14 and want to become a treasure hunter like Nathan Drake in Uncharted.
(13 November 2016)

If a girl was planning to save herself for marriage because of her religious beliefs, but liked a guy a lot and even made out with him and caressed him for a couple hours in his car on the third date, actually wait until marriage?
(13 November 2016)

Should I just go give them a $100 bill and ask them to spit on me?
(13 November 2016)

When I go to bars this is what I witness: A bunch of immature young women dropping f-bombs left and right and glued to their phones.
(13 November 2016)

Am I ovulating again?
(13 November 2016)

A week and a half ago I took a ovalation test and it was positive then I took another one two days after that and it was negative, I took one today and it was positive again...what is going on?
(13 November 2016)

Was I over reacting?
(13 November 2016)

She was texting him while I was there.
(13 November 2016)

I was in the hospital a few days back because I was having pains and spotting(pregnant with his child) she was there as well. and the doctor told me personal things about the situation.
(13 November 2016)

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