Wednesday, 30 November 2016

But there is a spiritual lesson to be learned in the words of Jesus today

So maybe the Cubs being exalted now is just a matter of them having a whole bunch of good players. So no spiritual lesson to be learned there. It has to do with how we position ourselves before God. The one you would expect to be condemned is instead the one who goes home justified … Continue reading "But there is a spiritual lesson to be learned in the words of Jesus today"

Is he trying to claim me as his?
(30 November 2016)

Then he asks me if he could kiss me, so I said yes then he kisses me right in front of his friend.
(30 November 2016)

This guy I've been seeing visited me after work and he brought his friend with him.
(30 November 2016)

I am a 21 year old girl and my boyfriend is also same. The problem with us is that he wants me to go on night stays with him?
(30 November 2016)

I hate lying also but i have no other option.
(30 November 2016)

M afraid that if that they found out they wont even allow me to go out only.
(30 November 2016)

M so afraid of making excuses again and again.
(30 November 2016)

So i always have to lie to them when i have to go on night stays.
(30 November 2016)

My family wont ever Even allow me to have a boyfriend.
(30 November 2016)

Even i want to go on night stays with him But as i am an indian.
(30 November 2016)

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