Sunday 6 November 2016

Bored in Lexington

Sitting here bored at my house, nothings going on tonight why don’t you come over and we can change that. not looking for anything in particular some nice conversation would be great. I am real its been cloudy and rainy. put your favorite color in the subject line to help weed out spam thanks [...]

Age 12-18 I got walk cripple along with have stiff legs my entire life because of my mom.
(5 November 2016)

Age 12 Then after getting disable and walking cripple I needed to walk to heal the injury but my mom force me take a yellow bus which left my legs permanently stiff and spastic.
(5 November 2016)

In the PAST as a KID My mom left me permanently disable and left me walking cripple after she force me to get tutored from 2:30(after school)-10:00 P.M. and I got in an injury.
(5 November 2016)

I met this guy on omegle.?
(5 November 2016)

Is this a bad thing that were dating....
(5 November 2016)

I said I loved him because he was so nice and had a great personality.
(5 November 2016)

I've been with him for about a month bow and we've seen each others faces and he first told me he loved me.
(5 November 2016)

We like each other alot and exchanged phone numbers that day.
(5 November 2016)

So I've met this guy on omegle, he's 3 years older than me and were both teens.
(5 November 2016)

What middle name should I chose?
(5 November 2016)

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