Wednesday, 23 November 2016


Central and Western, 亞洲, Hong Kong // Dagny:Butuh pencerahan gan sis..?(4 November 2016) Dagny:Oh ya ane ini cowok ya gan si Mohon pencerahannya…(4 November 2016) Dagny:Nah kebetulan temen ane gak punya perasaan sma mantan ane gan sis, dan dia berniat buat bantu ane ballikan sama manatan ane, nah jafi gimana gan sis, apa yg harus [...]

If a guy at your school contacts you.?
(22 November 2016)

And I am not interested but also don't want to be rude... I'm open to making friends but I know most guys don't want that, so why waste their time?
(22 November 2016)

Even thought it doesn't mean someone wants to have anything, it usually is.
(22 November 2016)

I usually don't know what to do in these cases.
(22 November 2016)

Let's say you are not interested in a relationship but someone talks to You in social media, do you answer back or just ignore?
(22 November 2016)

If a guy that goes to your school ( either college or High School or anything of the sort) contacts you though social media, do you answer back?
(22 November 2016)

Do you believe in marriage equality?
(22 November 2016)

Give the homosexuals civil unions but they cannot call it marriage.
(22 November 2016)

They can't start a family and in most cases they'll be open marriages or permiscuous.
(22 November 2016)

I don't think gay marriage is really marriage at all.
(22 November 2016)

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