Wednesday 16 November 2016

Just seeing if you paying attention lol // Kyoko:But he asks me about myself and likes to joke around.(30 October 2016) Kyoko:Which is different than how he is around other women.(30 October 2016) Kyoko:I just started working at the same place he does and he acts nervous around me.(30 October 2016) Dong:Is he interested? Confused?(30 October 2016) Dong:He also doesn’t [...]

I noticed that my boyfriend doesn't open up to me about his deeper feelings or thoughts on things & thinks that I don't notice because he tries to disguise them with laughter & humor.
(16 November 2016)

If u give me a good answer I'll give you one back?
(16 November 2016)

Is sex supposed to still hurt after a while?
(16 November 2016)

Normally I'm not bothered but after almost a year he's curled into a corner telling me he hates me because he's throbbing it hurts so much...
(16 November 2016)

I'm fairly tiny and my boyfriend is abnormally big body and otherwise.
(16 November 2016)

Why does girls cut them self on their arm?
(16 November 2016)

Why do girls cut them self on their arms?
(16 November 2016)

My best friends brother she is 12 now and cutting herself on her arm why does girls do that ?
(16 November 2016)

Paying for my stuff on a date; is still a date?
(16 November 2016)

I want someone outside of this to give me your opinion.
(16 November 2016)

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