Saturday 12 November 2016

Asadar esti convins ca acest raspuns merita acest calificativ?

Fara google translate, va multumesc mult. Cam asa ar fi traducerea, nu am folosit google translate, ca ma pricep la engleza destul de binisor. Click aici pentru Editare Profil. Inainte de a confirma te rugam sa mai petreci 20 de secunde revizuindu-l. Postarea repetata de intrebari/raspunsuri ce incalca regulamentul TPU va duce la suspendarea sau [...]

What types of things are cool to talk about?
(12 November 2016)

So, I am asking for help in regards to conversing with a girl, who I am meeting formally for the first time when she asks me to the dance, how do I just start a conversation?
(12 November 2016)

So I am in high school and getting asked to one of our school dances (informal) tonight by a girl whom I am not familiar with, at all.
(12 November 2016)

My friend likes to add fuel to the fire?
(12 November 2016)

It's weird because she has done this before when another 2 friends were fighting.
(12 November 2016)

Two of my friends have been arguing, and when it seems things are getting better my other friend likes to tell them both what they said about each other to her behind their backs.
(12 November 2016)

What to do with him at my house?
(12 November 2016)

Im in HS and i wanna hang out with the guy I've been talking to.
(12 November 2016)

He acts as if I don't exist?
(12 November 2016)

He hasn't even asked for my number yet and its been at least a few months... I make him laugh and I put effort into our conversations, but why am I receiving mixed signals?
(12 November 2016)

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