Wednesday 9 November 2016

Am nice and caring seek same in a man

Dakar, Senegal // Carmella:Please help me with this problem I have?(25 October 2016) Carmella:Let him be and tell her I dont like him anymore, or let her set us up, although we may not have anything in common and I could embarass myself.(25 October 2016) Carmella:I look a bit older too so he may think [...]

I yelled help to mom, she said what?
(8 November 2016)

This morning I was eating breakfast before leaving for school, I decided to cut my apple in half, and I sliced my finger open with the knife.
(8 November 2016)

Should I message him? What should I say?
(8 November 2016)

I suffer, I have lost the only charm of life: that active power which created worlds around me.
(8 November 2016)

My eyes are dry; my senses, no more refreshed by the influence of soft tears, wither and consume my brain.
(8 November 2016)

And this heart is now dead; no sentiment can revive it.
(8 November 2016)

Am I not the same being who once enjoyed an excess of happiness, who at every step saw paradise open before him, and whose heart was ever expanded towards the whole world?
(8 November 2016)

Last night he posted on social media expressing extreme sorrow: 'Often I lie in my bed with a wish, even a hope, that I may never awaken.
(8 November 2016)

Now he has expressed extreme sadness on social media (but doesn't seem to have disclosed any confidential information - I am worried about triggering him). I feel sorry for him but I know I must do this as a responsible adult.
(8 November 2016)

After I stopped replying he grew anxious and messaged me several more times.
(8 November 2016)

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