Sunday 9 October 2016

Where’s the beef?

Been having a bit of a dry spell lately. Seems like all the hot men interested in using me are all too far away. Even my favorite regular stud to suck off is out of town. SIGH…….. // Felisha:He doesn’t understand why I feel this way because to him I act like nothing is wrong but [...]

I'm currently pregnant with my first, and since the father is a twin, I know that it's very possible that I could have them as well.
(10 October 2016)

We broke up again because he was rude to females (Preferably my BFFs.) Now he's dropping some light flirting and everyone is saying that we're gonna get back together.
(10 October 2016)

About a year later, we got be together because he BEGGED ME to take him back.
(10 October 2016)

Then he cheated on me with a girl outside of school.
(10 October 2016)

Hey guys, about 4 years ago my ex and I were together for a while.
(10 October 2016)

Y haven t I ve been able to make out with my gf?
(10 October 2016)

All my mother wants from me is $$Money$$?
(10 October 2016)

I'm at the point in my life I can't stand the fussing hitting eing put down.
(10 October 2016)

My stepfather worked in the coal mines for over 30 years until recently he had a heart attack underground, had open heart surgery and can't work so now she is fussing and bumming me for money so much more than before.
(10 October 2016)

My mother lives a comfortable life.
(10 October 2016)

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