Friday 28 October 2016

what is with all the ghost chatters?

The IM system will show people on IM, but they have been off for a long time (I know there is now a 5 minute cycle timer; Used to be 2 minutes) and then they will use up the few precious messages we g // Larraine:I feel like I’ll never have a life of my own [...]

We have known eachother for just over a year and have kinda liked eachother for quite a long time.
(27 October 2016)

So I am 17 (female) and I like this guy who is the same age.
(27 October 2016)

Is contacting my ex of 3 weeks a bad idea, if so, why?
(27 October 2016)

I'm 25, he's 29 The last time I asked this someone wrote ''you're so fcking stupid'' as an answer- how does asking this make me stupid?
(27 October 2016)

He dumped me 3 weeks ago but has told me on more than one occasion since then that if i needed him or wanted to talk, he'd be there.
(27 October 2016)

BUTTHOLE not itchy or hurty today but very stink. I go Trump rally & Trump man kick young girl in face cause she look Mexico & then?
(27 October 2016)

I swims and cloreen good for BUTTHOLE helps make butthole no itch or hurty and butthole less stink and not so stained brown.
(27 October 2016)

I have been sexually active this month.. Could I be? details below?
(27 October 2016)

How to get over traumatic event?
(27 October 2016)

I want to be a good friend, but I can tell it's difficult for her.
(27 October 2016)

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