Wednesday 5 October 2016

Well a holiday is a holiday and a holiday means travel

Every train passes through Bhongir railway station and has to necessarily stop for signals. This trip was the first time a visit to the fort was being recorded. For starters, this is the view of the Bhuvanagiri Fort from the highway leading to the fort. The Bhuvanagiri Fort has been built over a gigantic monolith … Continue reading "Well a holiday is a holiday and a holiday means travel"

My friend.?
(4 October 2016)

Why do girls always fake checking me out?
(4 October 2016)

How would I ask her out on a date?
(4 October 2016)

The thing is this would be the first time I'll ever be asking someone out so I'm kind of scared should I just go for it and hope for the best?
(4 October 2016)

I've talked to her about 7 times and want to ask her out without making it too awkward.
(4 October 2016)

I really like this girl at my work place, I talk to her on and off and don't get a lot of time to see her because she is working a different section.
(4 October 2016)

I like this girl and she likes me too but I'm not very open about my sexuality and I really need help?
(4 October 2016)

Moral of the story I have no idea what to do.
(4 October 2016)

I'm also more focused on school and I don't know how to tell her I'm not really ready to be in a relationship?
(4 October 2016)

Again, I'm not exactly ready to come out to everyone and I told her that too.
(4 October 2016)

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